Sunday, November 30, 2008

Reflections ...

What do you know ... it will officially be December in a few hours. It hit me this morning while i was taking a stroll around the garden. It certainly smells like December, the prevailing coolness (even if it was nearly noon), the cloudly overcasts skies, the wet green grass growing in great abundance. December has always been a fairly rainy season - at least in my part of the world. Its never going to be a white Christmas where I am (unless the earth flips over on its axis the equator becomes the north/south pole) but its 'that time of the year' - one both filled with festivities and lately of some reserved reflection.

I guess I say that mainly because December is also a birthday month for yours truly. I have to admit that the older I get, the more I learn to dread the day I officially turn a year older. They say a year older, a year wiser ... but usually I don't feel that much wiser, just OLDER. :P I know its all in the mind ... but still the month of December -especially in the last few years, pose as a reminder that time is getting on and you know, there have been many occassions where I let time fritter away senselessly, not really achieving much.

Which brings me to the next point of December ... achievements. The last month of the year and what have I achieved? That thought, I think runs through everyone's mind ... and sometimes the struggle to show for at least some kind of achievement(s) can leave one somewhat weary to the bone.

I daresay, scrapping, card making is all a coping mechanism for this percept of time and achievements. Everyone needs a hobby. Something that thoroughly enjoy. Something in which they can lose themselves, their cares and tortuous afflictionse of time. And I glad I've discovered that bits of paper can be both engrossing and entertaining. At guess in my instance, I can very well say, a year older - a year worth of knowledge of knowing what works for me and what doesnt ...

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