Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Its October ...

..and no, i've not run out of creative juices - just yet!

Just not been taking pictures of the stuff i've been experimenting with. Mainly because i usually scrap into the small hours of the night and taking pictures in that kind of light with my digital compact just irks me. Pictures taken at that time of the day are either a)blurred b)weirdly hued c)disasterous altogether.

The solution of course is to wait for daylight to take them pictures. But come daytime, there's just so many other things to deal with first and taking pictures of one's handiwork isn't exactly top on the the 'To-do List' - until of course, the hurly burly of the day is done, the dust has settled and one finally has the hours to one self.

The only bits of paper that shapes quite quickly in a few hours are cards!

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