Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Take a look at these webpages..



... don't you think the pattern papers are somewhat similar?

The first page (if you've started with a-million-little-things is an online scrapbook supplies - located somewhere in the heart of the states (that's what i imagine when an organization claims they are from UTAH). Papers are considered 'branded' papers - rather popular too, from what I gather from the scrapbook magazines.

The latter is a manufacturer/supplier of some scrapbook items based in Hong Kong (i bet their factory is in China ... to exploit the advantage of cheap labour, raw materials etc.) No branding. Just pretty papers to be cut to size. Its all about sales for these people and pricing is fairly competitive ... (certain restrictions applying though ...)

If you're thinking along the same savvy lines as this scrapbook (hoarder) i.e. 'if Ican get a bargain elsewhere - inclusive of shipping costs ... Why not?!?', you'll understand why (esp. when scrapbook shops here are non-existent) i've been trawling the net for patterned paper manufacturers ...

Unfortunately this seemingly 'bargain' comes with specific conditions. That you have to buy in BULK! A minimum order of a certain amount - an actual example would be their glue squares. I enquired about ONE (box, possible 100 glue squares - so am guessing ...), they thought I was asking about a carton(1 carton=30 boxes)! As for ribbons ... they're asking how many yards I want and how many types of ribbon per package!

I don't suppose i could just say I want a couple of yards of type X, Y, Z ... they probably tell me to stop wasting their time and disappear!

I guess, as lucky as I initially thought I was in being able to track down ONE manufacturers of paper crafts in China, their mode of sale is simply not suitable for personal 'hoarding' exercise unless:-

a)I own a large warehouse as oppose to that tiny but messy paper infested corner in my room!
b) Want to be stuck with X type of patterned paper and ribbons for life!! Possibly even have leftovers for my (non-existent) children and grandchildren ... who may not even like scrapbooking! :P

God forbid! Scrapbooking is about wondrous variety. Not boring bulk!

Now, it would be a different matter all together if I were going into retail and there's a thriving local scrapbook demand (other than mea nd possibly a handful others!) in my part of the world ...

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