Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An Ode to Hoarding ...

Okay, so am not exactly a poet. Nor do i in depth understanding of rhythms, iambic meter -- whatever that all means (!?!) Yes, literature was one of the subjects I HAD to take for A levels (not much choice in the once upon a time college episode) - it's rather obvious, I wasn't really paying attention in class.

But here's to Hoarding!

We all hoard in our own individual ways. Squirrelling away what is deemed 'precious', fantasizing about the ever growing stash, so much that one could literally swim in it (ok, ok, so am going to the extremes ...) That's why we have various degrees of 'collections'.

Admittedly, some of the various bits and bobs that we collect are simply dearer than other. From stamps, art, coins, shoes, bags, jewellery, bottle caps to trainspotting ... whatever we fancy with relish and can't quite get enough of, compells us to hoard. Just incase ... we 'run-out' or manufacturers 'stop-production', or the 'i -may-just-need-it-someday, or hoard in hope of making 'a-profit' when the value increases ...

Its only part of being alive. Animals do it. Governments do it. So, why not we? Yet, it could also pose as a potential psychological and physical problem when hoarding becomes compulsive (esp. if one has to swim through hoard just to get to front door ...).

But am talking about hoarding with a balance ;) - Where we're permitted to have our little stash of delight where we can turn to to amuse ourselves.

So here's to hoarding. In our case its delectable paper, tools and embellishments. Hear! Hear! Yum-yum!

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